More than Three Thousand Household Heating Devices in Violation were Seized by MCI Inspection Tours

07 Feb 2016
1800 Commercial Facilities were inspected in Various Regions of the Kingdom, while 480 Violations were detected
MCI inspection tours, on shops selling electrical household heating devices, resulted in seizing 3205 items in violation and not complying with the Saudi Standard Specifications. It is worth mentioning that since winter season, the Ministry had increased its inspection tours on heating devices in the Kingdom. More than 1809 visits had been paid to commercialfacilities, resulted in detecting 483 violations, comprising 27% of the inspection tours.

MCI inspectors monitored many violations, such as non-compliance with the specifications listed on the heating device cartons, also the conditions of 220 or 110-volt are not met, in addition to the absence of the necessary data label, along with the lack of How to Use Manual, as well as the lack of two-year warranty commitment, besides the absence of the price tag.

MCI would like to confirm to all consumers the importance of having the data and price tag on the devices, also the voltage to be 220 volts, and the capacity not to exceed 2500 watts, as well as the shop should grant the buyers a two year guarantee for such item, in addition that the guarantee voucher and the bill to be kept by the buyers to ensure and preserve their rights.

MCI would like to stress that it will continue its inspection tours on heating devices and related warehouses, to verify their compliance with the trade data and the Saudi Standard Specifications.

It is worth mentioning that MCI had earlier announced the implementation of inspection and control rounds on heating device shops and warehouses in the Kingdom, in order to verify their conformity with the Saudi Standard Specifications.

Meanwhile, the Ministry distributed awareness bulletins at the time of the inspection campaign, urging the consumers to buy the safest heating device that include switching off button in the event of falling down, as well as the heating device should be equipped to prevent the entry of children hands, with theemphasis on the importance of a two year guarantee, moreover, the recommendation of buying such items from reliable sources.

This comes within the keenness and pursuit of the Ministry to preserve the rights of consumers and to protect them against any harmful practices, in addition to the contribution in organizing the local market in order to ensure fair competition among businesses while preserving the rights of consumers.
It is worth mentioning as well that the Ministry has started toimplement continuous inspection rounds in all regions of the Kingdom to meet the needs of consumers. Up to the end of last week, the total inspection rounds reached 18, the most important of which are the electrical & electronic appliances campaign, the campaign for providing maintenance, spare parts and qualitywarranty, the campaign for fuel conservation card, as well as thecampaigns for controlling & monitoring (price tag availability, using Arabic language, providing coin change, imposing chargeswhen using   bank or credit cards) as well as the campaigns ongas stations. Through these inspection tours, more than 23,400facilities had been visited and checked.

The Ministry stresses that all commercial institutions and shops should be committed to credibility and transparency, since it will not hesitate in imposing the legal penalties on offenders and those violating the instructions issued in that regard.

MCI calls on all consumers to lodge their complaints and observations through the toll free number 1900, or through the application of a Commercial Notification.
Last Modified 25 Dec 2018