MCI Inspectors Carried out 3890 Inspection Tours to Verify Compliance with Tires Energy Efficiency Label

06 Mar 2018
In cooperation with the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization, and the Saudi Center for Energy Efficiency, MCI inspection teams carried out inspection tours in various parts of the Kingdom to verify compliance with the Saudi standards for Tires Energy Efficiency Label.

This inspection campaign comes within the efforts exerted by several governmental authorities, operating as one team within the Saudi Program for Energy Efficiency, aiming at conserving and raising the efficiency of energy consumption. This program is implemented by a working team, composed of the competent authorities, including the Ministry of Commerce & Investment, Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources, the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization, Saudi Customs and the Saudi Center for Energy Efficiency.

During the inspection rounds, 3890 facilities were inspected, resulted in detecting 256 violations, including the absence of the Energy Efficiency Label, or it has been misplaced, the design of the label is different from that specified in the specifications, or it has been found damaged or torn, besides having wrong information on some labels.

These inspection and control rounds aim at monitoring and following up the commitment of tire suppliers to the requirements of Saudi standards, regarding energy efficiency, as part of the efforts to reduce energy consumption in several major sectors including the transport, which is witnessing a progressive growth that need stern measures for preservation and for raising the consumption efficiency .

Last Modified 25 Dec 2018