The Ministry of Commerce has announced that all the markets, stores and outlets are obliged to extend the period specified for the discounts. This is to enable the consumers to do shopping without any overcrowding. This comes in line with the implementation of the precautionary and preventive measures relevant to Covid-19 Pandemic, and for ensuring and preserving the safety of consumers.
The Ministry has indicated that additional discounts seasons have been added, and they will not affect the annual balance of discounts granted to the commercial establishments.
The Ministry of Commerce stressed that the stores should implement the health requirements and conditions, such as preventing the entry of those not putting the medical or cloth masks, stressing as well the commitment to social distances, besides providing disinfectants and sterilizers in the shops and stores, also taking the temperature for employees and customers at the entrances of malls and commercial centers, as well as disinfecting trolleys and shopping baskets after each use, in addition to disinfecting the facilities and surfaces in the stores and malls, according to the provisions stipulated in the preventive procedures and measures (protocols), approved by the concerned authorities.
The Ministry of Commerce affirms that failure to implement the precautionary and preventive measures, relevant to confronting Covid-19 by the commercial establishments, would expose them to a fine of 10,000 riyals, provided that the penalty to be doubled in case of repeating such violation, together with the closure of the violating facility.
In addition, a fine of 50 thousand riyals to be imposed on each person when there is a gathering or overcrowding of shoppers or workers inside or outside the commercial store, exceeding the numbers stipulated in the precautionary and preventive measures, as per the official approved regulations.
The Ministry of Commerce provides the service of getting discounts licenses online. This is to enable the stores and shops to apply for getting the licenses online easily and immediately. This service also enables the establishments to use the annual discounts balance online, allocated to them in the Electronic Discounts System.
The Discounts License System enables all the commercial establishments in the Kingdom to apply for getting the discounts licenses online through the following link:, then they can choose the type of license, after that they can complete the procedures through the e-portal, in addition to enabling the beneficiaries to pay the license fees online through the E-Payment System (SADAD), then printing the license.