The Ministry of Commerce has confirmed that the prices of the products offered in the markets include the VAT (Value Added Tax). MC would like to indicate that the prices of the offered goods are final prices, registered on the price tag, and they are identical to the prices with the cashier.
The Ministry explained that the price on the shelf must include VAT, and it must be identical to the final invoice, stressing that in the absence of the price tag or the shelf price is different from the one with the cashier, then a commercial violation report must be filed against the violating establishment.
The Ministry indicated that in the event a consumer purchases a commodity offered at a value of SR 100 riyals, according to the price tag on the shelf, then this price must include VAT, therefore the final purchase invoice should not exceed 100 riyals, but in the event the establishment adds another tax on the buyer, then he should lodge a complaint to the General Authority of Zakat and Income, since this authority receives reports and complaints relevant to VAT through its Consumer Call Center (19993).
The Ministry of Commerce urges all consumers to report and to lodge their complaints against the stores and commercial centers that do not place the price offered on the commodity, including VAT, through MC Consumer Call Center (1900), or through the application of a Commercial Violation Report, or via the Ministry’s website.