MCI Confiscated 6 thousand Commodities which May Cause Risk to Consumers in Qurayyat

04 Feb 2014

The Confiscated Items Included Corrupted Foodstuffs and Counterfeit Electrical Parts and the Suppliers had been Tracked

The intensive inspection rounds carried out by MCI had contributed in detecting about 6 thousand counterfeit electric tools contrary to the Saudi Standard and Specifications, as well as rotten foodstuffs, which may cause risk to consumers in the markets of Qurayyat. These items had been confiscated and the owners were summoned for investigation and the suppliers had been tracked to take the necessary statutory action against them.  
This was a continuation of the campaign carried out by the Ministry on high-risk goods such as electrical connections and chargers, which resulted in the confiscation of large quantities of connections, plugs and electrical transformers in violation of the Standards and Specifications in a number of regions of the Kingdom in order to avoid any harms on the consumers and to ensure their safety.
The items that were destroyed Included 2,800 of electrical plugs, 2267 of counterfeit imitative electrical connections, in addition to large quantities of foodstuffs unfit for the human consumption.
During the inspection rounds the Ministry also detected 641 " Vendetta Mask " in violation, and 55 brooches violating the Islamic faith, as well as quantities of perfumes and cosmetics.
MCI confirms that it will continue the inspection rounds on warehouses, factories and commercial establishments, to ensure their regular work, and the absence of fraud practices on consumers, and to stop exploiting the demand for purchase in the sale and marketing of any counterfeit or adulterated goods.
The Ministry stresses that it will not tolerate with violators and those involved in the practice of fraud and all that put the health and safety of consumers at risk.
The Ministry calls on all the consumers to report their complaints and observations to the Report Center in the Ministry on the phone No.  800 124 1616.
Last Modified 25 Dec 2018