Starting from next Year, It will be Mandatory on all Provision Institutions, with an Area Exceeding 300 Square Meters
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has issued a ministerial decree to adopt placing the unit price on all items. This would make it easier for the consumer to compare various products of companies that have been using a variety of weights and sizes. This decree would adopt a consolidated mechanism for comparing different kinds of commodities, through writing the necessary data on the price tag, such as showing the price of one liter or one kilo. Therefore, it would be easier for the consumers to take a decision while purchasing, and this would increase the competition among the companies, which deliberately change or hide the weights and sizes of their products to avoid comparing with other competing products.
Article (II) of the said decree stipulated that the unit price of the item would be adopted according to the nature of the product, using one of the following measurement units: If the item has a weight, then the kilogram will be used, or (100 grams), and if the item has a size, then the liter will be used, or (100 ml), while Article( V) stipulated that the unit price to be distinctive and attached with the item price, and to be placed either on the price tag, or on the product itself, or on the item label on the shelf.
Article (VI) of the aforementioned decree gives a description of the unit price label, which is the information contained in the price tag, showing the name of the product, size, unit price and the total price, provided that the space allocated to the unit price to be half of the total price and next to it, also the unit price background to be in white, so that it would be easier to be distinguished.
The Ministry of Commerce & Industry confirmed that the application of this decree is optional since the date of its issuance, and it will be mandatory on all provision institutions, that have an area exceeding 300 square meters, as from 01.01.1438 H