MC: Eleven candidates compete to win four seats in Almekhwah Chamber elections

03 Jan 2023
The voting process in the elections of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce in Almekhwah for the session (1444 H-1448H) commenced Wednesday morning at 8:00 am.

The session will last until eight o'clock Wednesday evening, according to the new Chambers of Commerce Law, which aims to enhance transparency and raise the efficiency of the chambers' performance.

Eleven individuals, including a businesswoman, are running for half of the chamber's 8 Board seats in the Almekhwah Chamber elections.

The Ministry of Commerce’s monitoring and complaints committees met with candidates to discuss the electoral process' mechanisms and controls, as well as the restrictions that candidates must avoid.

The Ministry urged chamber candidates to compete fairly, observe the rules, regulations, and guidelines, and respect the rights of other candidates, including refraining from intervening in their election campaigns.

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Last Modified 09 Jan 2023