The Branch of Hyundai Agency in Hail was shut down by MCI for not responding to Customers Complaints and for Ignoring MCI Recalls

01 Dec 2015
Ministry of Commerce and Industry had shut down the Branch of Hyundai Agency in Hail following the failure to respond to the customers complaints, received by the Ministry, as well as the failure to respond to the Ministry`s recalls.

During the process of closing the offensive branch, Hyundai officials and employees tried to hinder MCI inspectors of doing their job and duties, which necessitated calling and asking the help of the Security Authorities in the province.

MCI inspectors monitored as well repeated violation of non-compliance with the Energy Efficiency Label, in addition to some labels bearing incorrect data, contrary to the requested standards and requirements.

MCI inspectors also seized Contracts and Maintenance orders signed on behalf of the   customers without their knowledge.

This comes within the Ministry`s keenness and concern to preserve the rights of all parties, and to ensure the absence of fraud or manipulation against the consumers.

MCI stresses that it will not tolerate in imposing the legal penalties on the offenders and those involved in violating the provisions of Anti-Commercial Fraud Law.

MCI would like all consumers to cooperate and to report their complaints and observations through the toll free number (1900), or through the application of a Commercial Notification.

Last Modified 25 Dec 2018