MC: Over 3,000 visits made in four days to guarantee availability of Ramadan goods and products

01 Apr 2022


The Ministry of Commerce inspected over 3,100 warehouses, markets and retail outlets across all regions of the Kingdom between 28-31 March 2022.
The visits are intended to ensure the availability of Ramadan goods and products, as well as the compliance of retail outlets with the ministry's regulations.

The Ministry of Commerce reiterated its commitment to ensuring the availability of food commodities and Ramadan products in local markets and outlets, particularly vital goods and products in high demand as the Holy Month of Ramadan approaches. 

The ministry undertook proactive inspection visits to monitor warehouses and markets Kingdom-wide as well as factors that may disrupt the flow of supply and demand. They seek to meet any potential increase in demand while ensuring the availability of multiple suppliers of goods and products and taking regular action against violations of consumer protection laws.  

Throughout the holy month as well as the Umrah and visit seasons, the Ministry of Commerce will be working to guarantee the availability of essential food and supplies in order to meet the consumption needs during Ramadan. The ministry will maintain sufficient stock, prevent price manipulation, and ensure the safety and suitability of items available for consumption. 

The commitment of supermarkets and stores to display price tags on merchandise and match prices with cash registers will be monitored. Also, cases of fraud and misleading promotional deals, which are prevalent at the beginning of the holy month, will be cracked down.

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Last Modified 10 Apr 2022