The Ministry of Commerce and Investment has Issued the Executive Regulation for Practicing the Engineering Professions

01 Apr 2018
The Ministry of Commerce and Investment has issued the Executive Regulations for the System of Practicing the Engineering Professions. This is in accordance with Article (16) of the System of Practicing the Engineering Professions, issued by the Royal Decree No. (36) dated 19/4/1438, which states: "The Minister of Commerce and Investment, in coordination with the Board of Directors of the Saudi Council for Engineers, shall issue the Executive Regulation for the said System”.

Notably, the said Executive Regulation has been prepared in coordination with the Saudi Council for Engineers, after studying the best relevant practices, taking into account the views and opinions of the specialists and those concerned.

The Ministry explained that the Executive Regulations included the executive provisions of the system's articles, the most important of which are: How to form the Profession Accreditation Committee, which is concerned with the verification of the availability of the necessary conditions for the Profession Accreditation, and the procedures for enrolling at the Saudi Council for Engineers, as well as the description of the classification categories of the Profession Accreditation and the requirements of each category, including the engineer, the specialist and the technician, in the support engineering specialties, which will be determined by agreement between the Ministry and the Saudi Council for Engineers.

The Executive Regulation also included stating the professional grades for the engineer, as well as the areas of engineering works that can be practiced in details, besides the cases of cancelling the profession accreditation, and the licenses of engineering offices or companies.

In addition, the Executive Regulations set out the mechanism for forming a committee to consider and look into irregularities resulting from the application of the Engineering Profession System, besides defining the duties and authorities of the control officer, while carrying out the inspection and control tours.
The said Executive Regulation can be accessed through the following link: Click here.

Last Modified 25 Dec 2018