Saudi Ministry of Commerce: Immediate Cancelation of Commercial Registers of Establishments and Subsidiary Commercial Registers of Companies Electronically

01 Mar 2022


The Saudi Ministry of Commerce indicated that as of today, owners of main and subsidiary commercial registers for establishments and owners of subsidiary registers for companies will be able to cancel their registers electronically once any overdue fees for the commercial registry are paid without requiring a review by other authorities beforehand. Meanwhile, companies are required to complete the necessary business liquidation procedures before canceling their main commercial register.

The Ministry explained that this procedure aims to save time and effort for commercial register owners who wish to cancel them, and is in line with its aim to ensure a fair business and investment climate.

Canceling commercial records was a time-consuming process that previously required the involvement of government agencies and a number of other procedures such as paying taxes, canceling licenses related to the register, and transferring labor services before canceling the register. 

The new service enables business owners to officially close their business through the cancellation process, and in case further procedures are required by other authorities, it would be after the cancellation of the register.

The Ministry of Commerce allows those wishing to benefit from the service to cancel their commercial registers  through the following link: Click here​

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Last Modified 02 Mar 2022