Following minister of commerce's decision to form authority to apply penalties on trade agencies
Ministry of Commerce and Industry, recently, issued 4 first stage decisions against 3 of cars' dealing agents, in the Kingdom, on violating commitments towards consumers, according to the Law of Trade Agencies.
These decisions will become final, following the expiry of their statutory period, where penalties will be applicable.
The four decisions followed the Minister of Commerce and Industry Dr. TAWFIG FAWZAN ALRABIAH decision to form an authority to apply penalties set forth in the Law of Commercial Rules, which aim to establish justice, protect consumers as of agent commitment to provide spare parts and to guarantee the quality of manufacturing as well as necessary maintenance.
MCI has recalled, previously, violating cars' agencies, completed investigative procedures with them and submitted the cases to the Authority to apply penalties, in accordance with the Law of Commercial Rules.
Other 8 cars' agencies have been fined, instantaneously, for non-abiding by showing price tag, non-showing commercial date, in plain and clear language, ambiguity of contracts and asking consumers to sign contracts of sales, in other than Arabic language, which is a hindrance to consumer's knowledge of his rights and commitments, in the contract.
MCI works towards establishing of justice, in cars' sector, in the Kingdom, and protect consumers against practices that may impair their rights.
The step followed a questionnaire done by MCI to gauge public satisfaction on cars' agencies, in the Kingdom, which showed a widespread dissatisfaction among poller.
61% of consumers showed non-satisfaction on services provided against, only, 11% who showed satisfaction, while 28% showed satisfaction, to some extent.
Noteworthy, the Law of Trade Agencies stipulates forming of a panel at MCI, by a decision of the minister, consisted of 3 persons to apply penalties in the law and the law of standardization and measurements.
It also set forth a clause allowing appealing its decisions to the minister, within 15 days, following noticing the defendants and their deputies, otherwise the decision shall be final, as the set period is passed, and the minister of commerce and industry, shall sign it.
The 3rd article of the Law of Trade Agencies set forth that the agent shall provide, with reasonable pricing, spare parts, usually, asked by consumers and to secure other spare parts of rare demand, within no more than 30 days of consumer's demanding.
It called for providing necessary maintenance for products at suitable cost, guarantee the quality of manufacturing and terms set by producers, taking into consideration adopted standardized specifications, in the Kingdom.
MCI has, previously, informed all trade agencies, dealers and importers to abide by the commitment to secure necessary maintenance for products and to provide guarantees, even, if the consumer is to run the maintenance in a center, not affiliating to it, unless it is proved, that the outside maintenance has damaged the product, in a way impairing the guarantee.
If the agent to ask this maintenance shall be done at his garage, this shall be null and void, since it is running against the law and its executive regulation.