The Ministry of Commerce and Investment has launched on Tuesday 15.08.2017 the renewal of Commercial Registration Service for companies electronically through the link on the website ( This service is considered as an extension of the initiatives launched by the Ministry during the last period to serve the commercial and investment sectors in the Kingdom, in cooperation with the strategic partner, Thiqa Business Services Company. From now on, all trading companies can renew their CR electronically through easy and handy steps.
The services of setting up and Renewal of corporate contracts electronically is considered one of the initiatives of the National Transformation Program 2020, for promoting e-transactions and for the realization of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, aiming at supporting and facilitating the government procedures for starting up a business.
This service comes as a complement to the services of setting up the corporate C.R. electronically, which was launched by the Ministry last year.
This service includes several features: submitting the application on line, renewal of all corporate C.R. obtained manually or electronically, besides printing the renewed C.R. electronically.
MCI also explained and showed the steps to be followed for C.R. renewal electronically, by having access to the website (, as well as how to submit a new application, also how to choose the C.R. to be renewed, specifying the renewal period, besides attaching the commercial license, in case the business requires that, then paying the renewal fee through ( Sadad System), Finally, printing the renewed C.R. electronically.
MCI calls on all companies to visit the e-services portal ( to avail the service of C.R. renewal electronically without the need to attend any of the Ministry’s branches.