MCI Detected Large Quantities of Rotten Chicken in the Markets of Najran

13 Apr 2014
​The Control Rounds Detected (8) Thousands of Expired Food and Consuming Items
MCI had Prevented the marketing of large quantities of corrupted chicken unfit for the human consumption before they reached the markets of Najran. The Control Teams seized the quantities loaded in a truck in its way to be marketed to a number of restaurants and shops. These corrupted items were confiscated and destroyed immediately and those involved were summoned for investigation and taking the legal procedures against them.
This came after the Ministry had conducted intensive Control Rounds on the shops in that  province for applying the regulations against the violators, responding to complaints and to ensure that no harmful goods would reach the  consumers.
MCI Control Teams also seized more than 2000 expired food items inside a warehouse in Al Faisaliah Markets in the province, and more than 3,200 packets of cosmetics and prohibited  lotions unfit for use, in addition to more than 3422 of expired home paintings ready for marketing. All the quantities were confiscated and destroyed on the spot due to the risk that may be caused to the health and safety of the consumer.
MCI continues its Control Tours on markets and commercial shops to ensure the quality and safety of foodstuffs and consuming goods offered for sale and how far they conform with the Saudi standards and specifications.
The Ministry stresses that it will not tolerate with those marketing fake or counterfeit goods, particularly that threaten the health and safety of the consumer, and it will apply the legal procedures against them.
MCI calls on all the consumers to report cases of fraud and counterfeiting through the Control Center in the Ministry on the phone No.  800 124 1616.
Last Modified 26 Dec 2018