MCI, a Complaint from a Citizen Leads to the Confiscation of a Truck Distributing Rotten Eggs, unfit for the Human Consumption, in Jubail Markets

04 May 2015
​As MCI continues to deal firmly with the violators of Anti- Commercial Fraud System, a notification from a citizen leads to the detection of a truck involved in marketing and selling large quantities of rotten eggs in Jubail province. Random samples had been taken and the lab results revealed that the eggs were unfit for the human consumption. All the quantities had been immediately destroyed, and the owner was summoned for investigation and taking the legal procedures against him.
The details go back when a citizens complains of buying about 400 cartons of eggs from a refrigerated truck sent to Jubail by an Establishment working in Riyadh. After verification, the eggs proved to be rotten also the insects and bad smell were spread inside the truck. Therefore, all the quantities were confiscated and destroyed immediately, and those responsible were summoned for taking the legal action.
This comes within the extensive inspection campaigns carried out by MCI in all regions of the Kingdom, to ensure the absence of fraud and manipulation on the consumers, and to stop exploiting the demand for purchase in selling and marketing corrupted and expired commodities.
The Ministry stresses that it will not tolerate in imposing the legal penalties on violators and those involved in the practice of fraud by selling corrupted foodstuffs contrary to the trade data system, and all that put the health and safety of consumers at risk.
MCI calls on all consumers to report their complaints and observations to the Notification Center in the Ministry on 1900.
Last Modified 25 Dec 2018