Through the campaign of “A Homeland without Illegal Expat” and as part of the joint efforts to eliminate marketing counterfeit and fake goods, MCI inspection teams have seized more than 17,000 pieces of counterfeit sports clothing, bearing famous world brands.
MCI inspection teams, supported by the joint security campaign in Riyadh, have surveyed and checked the warehouses located on Al-Hayer road in Riyadh, during which various counterfeit sports clothes, bearing fake famous world brands, were seized and confiscated. During the investigations, it became clear that the relevant Establishment is importing counterfeit clothes from Turkey, bearing fake world brands, and then marketing these items by claiming that they are original. MCI inspection team, in cooperation with the joint security authorities, seized all the fake quantities and close the relevant warehouse. The information was sent immediately to the General Authority of Customs to follow up the products that are imported by the said Establishment, while the owner was summoned by the Ministry for taking the legal procedures and then referring the case to the public prosecution.
The Ministry of Commerce and Investment warns against selling or marketing counterfeit or fake products or goods. This is considered a violation of the Anti-Commercial Fraud Law, the Trademark System and the Commercial Data System, resulted in penalties of up to three-year imprisonment, also a fine of up to 1 million riyals, and defamation in two local newspapers at the expense of the defendant, besides deporting the illegal labors from the Kingdom, and the suspension and prevention of practicing the relevant commercial activity.
MCI calls on all consumers to cooperate and to lodge their complaints and observations against any commercial violations through MCI Consumer Call Center (1900), or through the application of a Commercial Violation Report, or via the Ministry's website.