MCI Detecting labors Counterfeiting Printers Ink in their Accommodation in Riyadh

01 Jun 2014
Detecting a Transport Vehicle Used in Marketing the Counterfeit goods to the Shops

As MCI continues its intensive control campaigns on warehouses and commercial institutions, the Inspection Teams had detected labors counterfeiting the printers ink in their accommodation in Al Malaz area in Riyadh, and then marketing such fraud ink in the local market as original.  More than three thousand cartridges had been confiscated with the closure of the site, and those involved were summoned for investigation and taking the legal procedures against them.

In details, MCI with the coordination with the joint security campaigns had monitored an old house divided into two parts, the first part was used as accommodation for labors, and the second one was used for preparing and re-filling printer ink. The labors put the counterfeit ink inside new cartridges bearing the brand "HP" and then they try to distribute that in the markets. All the available quantities were immediately confiscated. 

A transport vehicle (Van) had been detected as well used for marketing the counterfeit quantities and the driver tried to escape from the site. The security authorities checked the vehicle and found quantities of the same confiscated inks, in addition to a number of purchasing and distribution bills, and an official stamp for one of the institutions.

It is worth mentioning that MCI had implemented inspection campaigns in Riyadh recently, where more than 12 thousand counterfeit ink cartridges for international brands had been seized inside a traditional house in Shimeisy area in Riyadh. In addition, two apartments in Al Malaz were used for preparing, storing and re-filling counterfeit printer ink. 

This comes within the framework of the ongoing Control Rounds implemented by MCI to ensure their regular work, and the absence of fraud practices on the consumers, and to stop exploiting the demand for purchase in selling and marketing any adulterated or counterfeit goods.

MCI stresses that it will not tolerate in imposing the legal penalties on violators and those involved in the practice of fraud, and all that put the health and safety of consumers at risk.

MCI calls on all the consumers to report their complaints and observations to the Control Center in the Ministry on the phone number 1900.
Last Modified 25 Dec 2018